RASC Vancouver Monthly meeting (Online only): February 9, 2023

Urban Astrophotography – How to overcome extreme light pollution featuring comet C/2022 E3 ZTF

In this talk we will focus on some practical techniques, equipment, and post processing tips to help overcome light pollution when doing astrophotography from Vancouver. We’ll look at lot’s of pretty pictures and feature the recent comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) as a case study.

Speaker:  Rob Lyons – RASC Vancouver Council Member and Imaging Chair, President/Executive Producer for Super Creative

Time:  7:30 pm
Place: Zoom:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81087386674?pwd=T0hYc3I0eG5PQ3d4WG82dk5zT3JRdz09

About our Events:

All RASC lectures and observing events are open to the public, family friendly, and there is no charge for admission. Our organization is run entirely by volunteers who love astronomy and astrophysics. Whether you’re a complete beginner, a seasoned astronomer, or you hope to work for NASA someday, anyone fascinated by space exploration is welcome and will enjoy our events