RASC Vancouver Monthly meeting: April edition

Join us for our monthly meeting on Thursday, April 14,2022

Time : 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM PDT

Location: Zoom

Topic: Astrophotography – Getting Started with Deep Sky Imaging

Speaker: Rouzbeh Bidshahri (Rouz)

Bio: Long time amateur astronomer interested in high resolution imaging of deep sky objects and planets. Consulting and setting up telescope systems with training.

Abstract/Summary: Brief look at different types of astrophotography with focus on deep sky imaging from short to long focal lengths.

More details on the speaker :

Rouz                                                             .

Telescope Systems Design & Installation

Email:     [email protected]

Gallery: https://www.astrobin.com/users/Rouzbeh/

Articles: https://astrogeartoday.com/author/rouzastro/

Social:    https://www.instagram.com/rouz_astro/
