Sept. 13: THE 2008 PAUL SYKES LECTURE ON ASTRONOMY – "Mapping the Lakes and Rivers on Saturn’s Moon Titan"

Location: Room 201 of the Hennings Physics Building at UBC (adjacent to the SUB)

This year’s speaker is Guinness Book of Record holder Dr. Rosaly M.C. Lopes from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Her talk: “Mapping the Lakes and Rivers on Saturn’s Moon Titan” will show us just how similar the Earth is to the largest moon in the solar system.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2008-09-13

This year’s speaker is Guinness Book of Record holder Dr. Rosaly M.C. Lopes from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Her talk: “Mapping the Lakes and Rivers on Saturn’s Moon Titan” will show us just how similar the Earth is to the largest moon in the solar system.

Dr. Lopes is a Principal Scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Lead Scientist for Geophysics and Planetary Geosciences. Her major research interests are in planetary and terrestrial geology and volcanology. In 1989 Dr. Lopez became a member of the Galileo Flight Project to Jupiter where she was responsible for observations of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io from 1996 to 2001. During this exciting period of her career, she discovered 71 active volcanoes on Io, for which she was honored in the 2006 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records as the discoverer of the most active volcanoes anywhere. Dr. Lopes is currently a member of the Cassini Flight Project, with the role of Investigation Scientist on the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper Team. She is studying the geology of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, particularly its strange ice volcanoes.

The PAUL SYKES lectures are named in honour of Dr. Paul Sykes, physicist at UBC and retired USAF Major. Dr. Sykes was a very popular lecturer at UBC and with his monthly “IN TRANSIT” talks at our regular meetings.

Dr. Lopez will be speaking in room 201 of the Hennings Physics building at UBC (adjacent to the SUB) at 7:00pm on the 13th of September, 2008. Admission is free.